Wednesday, November 23, 2005

More than 50 new slideshows today!

Many people vistited today s5easy! When I checked in the morning 19 slideshows has been submited at all. Now, 23:00, more than 80 slideshows are online.
I woundered about this great rising of visitors and went to my Google Analytics account. But Google Analytics has performance problems. So I wrote a small PHP script to find out where all those visitors are comming from. This script parses my Apache logs:

$log file_get_contents($logFile);
$zeilen explode("\r"$log);
count($zeilen).' Zeilen hat '.$logFile.'<br /><pre>';
foreach (
$zeilen as $zeile) {
    if (
is_int(strpos($zeile's5easy'))) {
$spalten explode(' '$zeile);
        if (
$spalten[10] != '""' AND $spalten[10] != '"-"') {
'<a href='.$spalten[10].'>'.$spalten[10].'</a><br />';

The result shows me the solution: most of the people came by links out of emails! I didn't wrote any emails to sombody about s5easy! (Exept to the mother of my girlfriend.) So, where did my welcome visitors came from, who wrote emails???

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