Monday, November 28, 2005

Related Websites

Search Engines

Slideshow != Presentation

Today I realised, that the translation (I'm german) of slideshow is not the same as presentation. So I have to change all occurrences of "slideshow" on my website with "presentation". But wait, why is S5 called "simple standards-based slide show system"? Is this a closer description of what it is? I'm a little bit confusend now.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Healed by Dr. Web

My suffering about not knowing what's goning on ended. Dr. Web, a great german website about webdesign listed in their new newsletter as Trend 2006!!!

Dr. Web about Dr. Web
Dr. Web ist das Magazin für Leute, die das Internet machen. [...]
Wir versorgen unsere Leser seit über sechs Jahren mit praktischen Tipps, fachlichem Know-how und kreativen Ideen.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

W3C Markup Validation Service disaster

Today I tryed to validate my index page of the webstite. It became a disaster. The W3C Markup Validation Parser found 23 errors on this 19 kb page. Very sad. I begun to fix em up, one after another. But most of the errors where created by my feedback form. So, i have to take a deeper look into the documentation of forms in xhtml-strict. :-(

Update 2006-01-13: (re)moved feedback-box, and get now a
This Page Is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!

The Truth is Out There

Again, more than 60 new presentations today, and the the day is only half past! What's up? Any suggestions? >> Write a comment

German umlauts fix

German umlauts were wrongly indicated, I fixed it by adding an
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
to the HTML header. Recommended DTDs to use in your Web document can be found on this W3C Site.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Google, my friend

One important thing about setting up a new website is to emerge very fast at google. This is how I did it:
1. registered
2. when the was reachable, within 30 minutes, I seted up a simple index.html page with the most important details about s5easy and a meaningful title.
3. I submited it at 24 hours later was found at Google!!!
4. I added 4 comments with links to at other websites which are important for S5.
5. I seted up the dynamical PHP functions for creating the slideshows.
6. Did a comment in Google Groups with link to myself, of course ;)
7. Started a Google Group:
8. Started this Blog today
9. Created a XML sitemap and added it to my Google Sitemap account. Google has not jet crawled this sitemap (2005-11-24). Update: Google has (2005-11-27)

Try and search s5easy.

More than 50 new slideshows today!

Many people vistited today s5easy! When I checked in the morning 19 slideshows has been submited at all. Now, 23:00, more than 80 slideshows are online.
I woundered about this great rising of visitors and went to my Google Analytics account. But Google Analytics has performance problems. So I wrote a small PHP script to find out where all those visitors are comming from. This script parses my Apache logs:

$log file_get_contents($logFile);
$zeilen explode("\r"$log);
count($zeilen).' Zeilen hat '.$logFile.'<br /><pre>';
foreach (
$zeilen as $zeile) {
    if (
is_int(strpos($zeile's5easy'))) {
$spalten explode(' '$zeile);
        if (
$spalten[10] != '""' AND $spalten[10] != '"-"') {
'<a href='.$spalten[10].'>'.$spalten[10].'</a><br />';

The result shows me the solution: most of the people came by links out of emails! I didn't wrote any emails to sombody about s5easy! (Exept to the mother of my girlfriend.) So, where did my welcome visitors came from, who wrote emails???

Link list

Added list containing all slideshows. Now its possible to access all other slideshows of other users.
Added website template when no slideshow is found, for example ;-)

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